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What Is the Work of Fish Oil in the Body

Is fish oil good for health? People ask this question a lot. Recently, several independent studies talk about the benefits of taking fish oil from seperate persepctives, including preventing cancer, protecting gut environment, repair brain and retina damage and burn the fat.

Cancer Prevention ?

According to a recent study, Omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil have a higher cancer-preventing effect than other oils.

Professor David Ma found that this deep-sea source of fatty acids is up to eight times more effective than other oils in preventing tumor growth and growth.

There are currently three omega-3 fatty acids: ALA, EPA, and DHA. ALA is derived from plant seeds such as flaxseed, soy, rapeseed and similar. EPA and DHA are derived from marine organisms such as fish, algae and plankton.

In a study recently published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, the author compared the effects of three fatty acids on the prevention of HER2-positive breast cancer.

The results showed that the inhibitory effect of fatty acids derived from marine organisms was 60%-70% higher than that of ALA, and the inhibitory effect on the number of tumors was also 30% higher. By contrast, ALA requires a higher dose if it is to achieve a considerable inhibitory effect.

The mechanism by which these fatty acids inhibit cancer is by inducing the expression of diseases related to the immune system, and blocking the relevant signal pathways for tumor growth.

"Experimental results show that EPA and DHA are relatively more effective in preventing and treating cancer. Therefore, the addition of fish and other marine organisms to the diet will have a good effect in preventing breast cancer."

Based on the range of doses given in the experiment, Ma believes that in order to achieve effective cancer prevention, it is necessary to take fish at least three times per week. I n addition to marine organisms containing EPA and DHA, other foods, such as eggs rich in omega-3 fatty acids and milk rich in DHA, are good foods to prevent cancer.

The author plans to study the preventive effect of omega-3 fatty acids on other types of cancer.

Healthy Gut ?

A healthy diet containing omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, a large amount of fiber and promoting the growth of probiotics can improve the diversity of intestinal flora. Researchers from the University of Nottingham, UK and the King’s College in London have reached a conclusion through a new study. The relevant research results were published in the International Academic Journals Scientific Reports.

They performed intestinal microbiota testing on a large cohort of middle-aged and older women, including bacterial diversity, probiotic abundance, and levels of omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids in serum. They found that the types of gut flora in women with higher levels of omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids in their diets were also more diverse. The diversity of the flora is related to many health conditions such as diabetes, obesity and inflammatory bowel disease.

The author of the article, Prof. Ana Valdes, said: "The human gut has received a lot of attention, and scientists have found that the gut is linked to many kinds of human health problems. Our digestive system is home to trillions of microbes, most of which are against us. It is beneficial and plays an important role in digestion, immune system and even weight regulation."

"Our study is the largest documented study of the relationship between the composition of Omega-3 fatty acids and the composition of the intestinal flora. There were 876 female volunteers in this cohort. We studied the intake of omega-3 fatty acids in their diets through a questionnaire and found that this data and the level of omega-3 fatty acids in their serum were related to the probiotics of the intestinal tract. There is a strong association between diversity and abundance."

The researchers also found that high levels of omega-3 fatty acids in the serum are associated with elevated levels of a compound called N-carbamylglutamate (NCG) in the gut. This compound reduces the level of oxidative stress in the animal's intestines, and researchers believe that some of the good effects of omega-3 may be related to the induction of bacteria to produce this substance.

Previous studies have found that omega-3 fatty acids play a role in alleviating insulin resistance, hypertension, arthritis, and thrombosis, reducing some cancer risks, and preventing cognitive decline. The new study adds new evidence that omega-3 fatty acids can also improve the intestinal flora in terms of diversity and composition.

Repair brain and retina damage ?

A team led by Dr. Nicolas Bazan, professor at the Health Sciences Center at Louisiana State University, discovered for the first time that NDP1, a signaling molecule from DHA, promotes the production of a protective protein that protects the brain and retina against toxic free radicals. This study was performed in an experimental model of ischemic stroke and human retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) cells. A related study was published in Cell Death and Differentiation.

Neuroprotectin D1 (NPD1) is a lipid signaling molecule that is converted from the omega-3 fatty acid 22 carbonic acid (DHA) when cell survival is inhibited. NPD1 was discovered in 2004 by Dr. Bazan and his colleagues. Oxidative stress resulting from the formation of damaged free radicals is the basis of cell death. Cell death can be accelerated by catastrophic events such as ischemic stroke, neurodegeneration and blindness. The team found that the systemic injection of NPD1 2 hours after the experimental stroke increased the production of RING14, which is called the goddess of youth (Iduna). Iduna can promote DNA repair and protect cells from programmed cell death after stroke. Their findings also include that NPD1 promotes the production of Iduna and protects both RPE cells (ARPE-19 and primary RPE cells) under oxidative stress. The researchers found that the increase in Iduna activity by NPD1 peaked 6 hours after oxidative stress. The dose-dependent curve showed that the activity of Iduna in both cells started to increase at an NPDl concentration of 25 nM. These results indicate that NPD1 can selectively induce Iduna activity, whereas oxidative stress promotes the formation of NPD1 which in turn increases Iduna activity.

"These findings are important because they show how NPD1 regulates the amount of a protein that is essential for cell survival." says Nicolas Bazan, "The less studied protein has been shown important to reprogram cell and survival .” DHA is found in fish oil and is an essential omega-3 fatty acid that is essential for brain function. It is essential for the development of the nervous system including vision. A study published by Bazan Laboratories in 2011 found that DHA can promote the production of NPD1, a natural neuroprotective molecule derived from DHA. When a disease or injury occurs, the biological activity of NPD1 controls the interaction of key genes that determine the cell's life and death.

"Further revealing details of the DHA-NPD1-Iduna signaling pathway will help develop treatments for retinal degeneration and ischemic stroke," said Bazan.

Burn the fat ?

A recent study found that fish oil can turn fat-storing cells into fat-burning cells, which may help suppress middle-aged weight gain. The relevant research results were published in scientific reports of international academic journals.

The researchers explained that fish oil activates receptors in the digestive tract, activates the sympathetic nervous system, and induces fat metabolism in fat cells.

Not all of the fat tissue is used to store fat. White fat cells can store fat to help maintain energy supply, while brown fat cells are primarily responsible for metabolizing fat to maintain normal body temperature. Brown fat cells are more abundant in infants, but as they get older, most of the brown fat disappears in adulthood.

Another adipocyte, beige adipocyte, is a fat cell type recently discovered in humans and mice. Studies have shown that beige adipocytes function like brown fat cells. As growth goes down, without these fat-burning cells, fat will accumulate for decades without being consumed.

In this study, researchers studied whether the intake of specific types of foods can increase the number of beige fat cells. The authors stated: "We learned from previous studies that fish oil has many health benefits, including prevention of fat accumulation, so we have studied whether there is a link between fish oil intake and increased beige fat."

The researchers administered a control diet to one group of mice, while the other group added fish oil to the control diet. The results showed that compared with the control group without fish oil, mice fed fish oil lost 5%~ 10%, fat content decreased by 15% to 25%. The researchers also found that when sympathetic nerves are activated, new beige fat cells are formed in the white adipose tissue, increasing the consumption of fat.

The researchers finally said: "People often say that food from Japan and the Mediterranean can promote longevity, but it is always controversy as to why people in these areas have benefited. This study allows us to have a deeper understanding of the reasons."

* The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

What Is the Work of Fish Oil in the Body
